Our site utilizes cookies to store user related data on your computer.
So-called cookies are data files stored by a client software on a user’s computer. They hold small amounts of data specifically bound to a particular client (the browser) and a particular website (the server).
Usually, only the web server which set the cookie or the client computer itself can access the data stored in a cookie. Among others, with cookies a server can deliver information on web page styles, tailored content etc. to a client. Also, a web page can contain special code (a script, a plug-in) generating cookies on a client computer to store or read information about a user’s visit to an Internet domain (the server’s first level domain name, e.g. rbkm.info) and any site or page in that domain. So, if the user revisits a particular site or page using the same cient, the site’s server can detect it via information stored in cookies and, thus, carry user-specific information from a former visit to the current user session. The purpose of such information exchange is e.g. to track access times, individual interests etc. to build personalized user profiles for targeted ads and similar.
Our pages use cookies only to improve your experience with this online service. At the time being WE DO NOT use cookies to track individual interests or personal data of our users for any commercial purpose. However, we do use cookies for data needed to track the login process of registered users.
Beside that, our site may or may not use code implements of third party services, such as plug-ins for automated spell checking, comments, email forms, social network access etc. These services may send data from our pages to their own domains/third party servers. In that process, they may also set cookies from their own domains/servers on your computer while you’re originally browsing our pages. Normally, the aim of doing so is to gain analytical data to build individual user profiles for ads and similar purposes.
Since our pages may use code plugins of third party online services we can not and, thus, do not guarantee that nobody different from ourselves collects data about you by setting and reading cookies on your computer when browsing our site(s).
Moreover, such plugins may not only set, read and update cookies on your computer but also transmit further data from and to other servers in the background, even if you haven’t decisevely choosen to actually use any third party service during your visit of our site. This happens e.g. if you access our pages while being actively logged on to networks like Facebook, Twitter or similar. Make this “always” if you are using the apps of such services on a smartphone or tablet with standard privacy settings.
If you continue to use this site we assume that you agree with all of this.
Otherwise you may try to block unwanted (third party) cookies in your browser’s/smartphone’s/tablet’s data security and/or privacy settings. However, doing so for cookies set by our own servers (rbkm.info) might restrict your experience with our pages and may prevent you from using some or most of our pages’ interactive functions.
Please note that registered users who want to log on to our site(s) MUST allow cookies from rbkm.info to do so. … Sorry.
In the future we might have to change some of the policies mentioned above due to new relevant legislation on data security. Please refer to our Privacy Policy and Data Security Declarations for further information.